After a career in the British intelligence community Anthony established himself as a sought after defence writer and military historian. For many years he was the terrorism and security correspondent for intersec - The Journal of International Security, where he developed a solid reputation for objectivity.
Prolific Author
He is now a highly prolific author, feature and script writer - with hundreds of articles published in print and online for a wide range of publishers and media outlets. To date he has had over 70 books published, many of which have been translated, these include a number of well received works on the campaigns of 1944-45.
Public Speaker
He is a regular public speaker including at the prestigious US National WWII Museum, where he has given the Orlin Russell Corey Memorial Lecture twice and opened the International WWII Conference - as well as appearing on podcasts, radio and television - including Churchill at War a recent major Netflix series. Latter this year he will feature in an Australian produced series WW2 Endgame.
Latest Work
His second volume on Winston Churchill - Churchill Cold War Warrior was published in 2024 to great acclaim with a launch in New Orleans. The International Churchill Society said, 'Anthony Tucker-Jones' latest book is very much like the Godfather: Part III in its grand narrative of scale, irony, and tragedy. ... it is a tremendous read'.
He has two books due for publication in 2025: The Secret War: Spies, Lies and the Art of Deception in Word War II & Rhineland: Hitler's Last Defence 1944-45. The latter is a follow-up to Hitler's Winter. Currently he is working on another Churchill project.