About Anthony
After studying for his Masters in international relations and strategic studies and working as a defence journalist Anthony was recruited by British Defence Intelligence in Whitehall. There he served for a decade and a half, with secondments to NATO and the UN Special Commission for Iraq and was appointed counter-terror coordinator. These roles involved extensive international travel and liaison with sister organizations in Brussels, New York, Washington DC, Baghdad and Bahrain. He drew on his experiences to write The Rise of Militant Islam: An Insider's View of the Failure to Curb Global Jihad and Daesh: Islamic State's Holy War.
Respected Expert
Since then he has forged a successful career as a respected author, journalist and public speaker. He has written on many aspects of warfare including the World Wars, the Cold War, terrorism and regional conflicts. His expertise has been called on by a variety of multi-media outlets over the years and has worked with many leading military publishers and documentary production companies (for a fuller profile see LinkedIn).
As well as intersec he has contributed to amongst others AirForces Monthly, Air International, All About History, Armed Forces, Aviation News, History of War, Jane's Defence Weekly, Jane's Intelligence Review, Military Illustrated, The Counter Terrorist, Warships International Fleet Review, and
Recent Book Reviews
Churchill Cold War Warrior
‘Anthony Tucker-Jones’ latest book is very much like The Godfather: Part III in its grand narrative of scale, irony, and tragedy. … it is a tremendous read’.
Alastair Stewart, International Churchill Society
‘Churchill Cold War Warrior should be read, not only as a commentary on the ironies of history, but also as an essay on the potential and the limits of power.’
Professor Richard Toye
‘In Cold War Warrior, Anthony Tucker-Jones has excelled again - this timely account of Winston's post-war life is essential reading for any student of the Iron Curtain era.’
Peter Caddick-Adams
‘Packed full of revelation and incident, it is an invaluable book for any aficionado of twentieth century military and political history.’
Alexander Larman
Hitler’s Winter
‘What a brilliant book this is … a terrific narrative of Hitler’s Ardennes offensive of December 1944 – superb storytelling that achieves a skilful balance between drama and detail.’
James Holland
‘Hitler’s Winter …. Is a must read compendium to the vast corpus of Allied accounts of the Battle of the Bulge. Simply stunning.’
David O’Keefe
‘Anthony Tucker-Jones offers fresh insight into the battle of the Bulge that few historians have matched.’
Mike Guardia
Churchill Master and Commander
‘Masterful research, impeccable detail, with a beautifully flowing narrative of which Churchill himself would have been proud.’
Peter Caddick-Adams
‘This well researched, well-written and soundly argued book is a real addition to the avalanche of books on Winston Churchill.’
Andrew Roberts
‘A lively and compelling account of a remarkable military-political career. As eye opening as it is comprehensive’.
Geoffrey Roberts
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